CareOregon’s commitment to our community
CareOregon wants to help make our communities better by supporting programs that improve the lives of our members and people on the Oregon Health Plan. Our employee volunteer program not only fulfills this commitment, but it also provides unforgettable experiences for those volunteering.
The CareOregon employee volunteer program
CareOregon provides benefits-eligible employees with eight (8) hours per year of paid time off to step away from their work and spend time helping their communities thrive. In 2023 alone, our employees contributed over 5,000 volunteer hours toward improving the quality of life in the communities where they work and live.
Here is a testimonial from one of our employees about their volunteer experience::
Partner organizations
From lending a hand at food pantries to cleaning up our cities, CareOregon employees have made lasting impacts with their volunteer efforts across various organizations in our great state.

Since 2019, CareOregon has collaborated with Schoolhouse Supplies to support Hartley Elementary School in the Reynolds School District with supplies for over 500 students each year.

As our headquarters are located in downtown Portland, we frequently participate in city beautification efforts through SOLVE.

Volunteers fulfill client grocery lists through Store to Door, an organization that supports independent living for seniors and adults with disabilities.

Contact us
Does your organization provide volunteer opportunities? We’d love to hear from you. Email us at careoregonvolunteers@careoregon.org