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Getting and staying healthy

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CareOregon partners with you to help you and your family stay healthy

Good health begins with proper nutrition, activity, plenty of sleep and a positive state of mind. We help you when you’re sick and also focus on keeping you healthy in the first place. Your CareOregon benefits cover a wide range of physical, dental and mental health screenings and preventive services.

CareOregon's Care Coordination program

CareOregon's team of nurses, mental health experts and medical staff are ready to help you. We want to know about your medical concerns, confusion about benefits or problems reaching providers. Our Care Coordination team can help if you:

  • Have several health issues.
  • Feel overwhelmed and struggle to follow your provider’s treatment plan.
  • Have trouble getting to your appointments.
  • Need help getting your providers to work together.
  • Have trouble getting the extra help you need.

Call the Care Coordination team at 503-416-8055.

For questions about benefits, call CareOregon Customer Service 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday:

For questions about your health, call your primary care provider (PCP).

Health and wellness topics

In this section, you’ll find helpful information about some common health topics.