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Hawk’s Eye Apartments: Supporting health through housing

In our 30th year, CareOregon was proud to open Hawk’s Eye Apartments – a project aimed at meeting the growing need for stable, affordable housing in Northwest Oregon.

Columbia Pacific CCO spearheaded the project, a visible response to what CCO leaders hear from community members and local partners. Housing is always cited as the top concern.

Hawk’s Eye offers workforce housing for health care and social service providers, as well as permanent supportive housing for community members who need a safe place to call home. Managed by Clatsop Behavioral Health, Hawk's Eye is a step toward healthier, more connected communities.

The need is clear. In Clatsop County alone, nearly 23 out of every 1,000 residents are unhoused, according to 2023 state data. At the same time, the lack of affordable housing makes it difficult for local health care providers to attract and retain the workers who care for this community.

Hawk’s Eye Apartments reflects our shared commitment to addressing these challenges. By focusing on housing as a foundation for health, we’re working alongside our partners to create opportunities for housing stability across Northwest Oregon.

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