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Provider Policy Change: 3/1/2025 Removal of Provider Reconsiderations.

Provider updates

Trillium (Centene Corporation) – Provider Network

Oct 29, 2020, 07:00 AM


What happened

  • You might recall, in November 2019, OHA notified Trillium (Centene Corporation) that they were not approved to serve OHP members starting in January 2020 due to their inadequate network. They were given until June 30 to contract with a hospital and gain enough providers in order to qualify to serve Portland‐area patients, which they were unable to do.
  • On August 18, 2020, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced its approval of the Trillium (Centene Corporation) revised application to serve Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members in the Portland metro area.
  • Their approval is tied to a Corrective Action Plan related to questions about the quality of Trillium’s network (most notably in behavioral health and language access) and concerns about health equity and community engagement.

What we currently know

  • Starting September 1, OHA plans to assign any newly enrolled OHP members on a 1:1 basis to either Health Share or Trillium.
  • Current OHP members have the option to switch their CCO one time per year, at the time of their choosing, and in accordance with OAR 410-141-3810. 

What we will do for providers

  • Keep you informed, as we learn more, of any communication our members will receive from the state or through Health Share.
  • As we learn more details, share that with our providers.
  • Explore additional avenues to update you and also hear from you.

Our values

  • In our 26 years of serving Medicaid recipients in the Portland metro area – years of near‐ continuous change – our two highest priorities have remained constant: To support our provider network, and to keep our members and community at the center of what we do.
  • We see our providers as the way we meet our mission of building individual well‐being and community health through partnerships, providing integrated physical, behavioral, oral health care, shared learning and innovation.
  • We welcome questions and insights about this news. Please reach out to your Provider Relations Specialist if you want to connect directly.

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