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Provider updates

Requesting bulk health-related services supplies through flex program is on pause

Aug 7, 2023, 16:12 PM

Effective immediately, until the end of 2023, placing bulk orders for supplies through CareOregon’s Health Related Services Flex Program is currently on pause. Providers and clinics can still purchase eligible bulk items on their own and request reimbursement from CareOregon. Approval for reimbursement of bulk items distributed requires that items be provided to current CareOregon, Columbia Pacific CCO, Health Share of Oregon (behavioral or physical health enrollment) and Jackson Care Connect members. Additional instructions and forms for bulk reimbursement can be found on our Flex Requests web page.

Why is this happening?

Our partner program at Project Access NOW (PANOW) has been growing swiftly because of strong partnerships in the region and the team is experiencing higher than normal volumes of requests. An increase in demand on the team means current turnaround times are longer than desired. To ensure their team can respond to existing referrals in a timelier fashion, the organization is putting a pause on bulk order supply items requested and distributed through PANOW through the end of 2023.

What is the process for requesting reimbursement?

You can find information on how to get reimbursed for purchasing bulk supplies by viewing our Health-Related Services Bulk Purchase Funding Request Instructions, specifically Purchase type 2 - reimbursement.

Where can I find the tracking sheet and instructions for reimbursement?

Instructions and forms for bulk reimbursement can be found on our Flexible Services (Flex Requests) webpage.

What if I need items that are not on the approved list? 

If you need items that are not on the approved list, email social.determinants@careoregon.organd provide the justification or need for the item to be added to the pre-approved bulk request items list. The processing team will review your request and assess if it is appropriate. Due to the high number of requests we are currently receiving, it may take up to 5 business days to approve or deny your request.  

How do I learn more or get updates about this pause?

For more updates, visit the Provider News and Stories section of our website. If for any reason timelines are adjusted, either to extend or shorten the pause, we will provide additional outreach to frequent requestors and all providers as well. 

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