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Provider updates

CareOregon Connect Portal Training

Aug 23, 2023, 07:49 AM

As we prepare for the October 1st, 2023 Connect system go-live, CareOregon’s Provider Relations (PRS) team is hosting educational training sessions on how to navigate the Connect Portal for Behavioral Health.

Curriculum will cover: 

  • Online provider portal resources
  • Eligibility verification
  • Authorizations
  • Claims
  • Remittance Advice
  • Reports: Claims, and Authorizations

Who can register?

Any BH Provider team members who will be working in the Connect system to support our Health Share Behavioral Health members should attend one of these 90 minute trainings.  

Providers will need to track internally whether their team members have attended.  If you need guidance on who should attend at your organization, please reach out to your CareOregon PRS.

Training Schedule and Registration

Trainings will be held via webinar on a weekly basis between August 24th and October 10th, 2023 (see date/time options above).  All trainings will cover the same content, so Provider participants only need to attend one of these sessions. 

Before the training: Please make sure you have access to Connect via OneHealthPort. Check out the OneHealthPort FAQs and registration page here. 

Register individual team members online for their preferred date/time using the following links:

Please note that several website & Connect updates may not be formally released until our mid-September trainings and trainings may primarily consist of screenshots & videos rather than walking through the website & Connect directly.

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