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Empowering patients in advanced illness

A MEDS Ed seminar


This session of CareOregon Pharmacy’s MEDS Ed program touches on the positive impact that focusing on goals of care can make on patient outcomes, successful strategies for deprescribing pill burdens and potentially inappropriate medications, and how leveraging the model of care shared by Housecall Providers and CareOregon can improve health outcomes and increase patient well-being, while reducing healthcare costs.

Key session takeaways

  • Palliative care patients are typically younger, in their 50s or 60s; in Oregon, if you have serious persistent mental illness, or if you’re homeless, you die 20 years earlier than someone who doesn’t. Part 1 - 10:55
  • Without relationships and security to help process trauma, people are left fragmented and held captive. Trusting relationships are the foundation of palliative work and most important therapeutic intervention. Part 1 - 15:53
  • Focusing on positive aspects of a person’s past experiences and not just their past trauma can help strengthen engagement around goals of care. Part 2 - 24:30
  • Pharmacist Leah Goeres shares her preferred method for deprescribing. Part 3 - 25:26
  • Why is deprescribing so difficult? Part 3 - 33:05
  • A guided tour of CareOregon’s Regional Care Teams structure. Part 4 - 24:50

Featured speakers

  • Will Kennedy, DO – Medical Director –Housecall Providers
  • Karissa Smith – Director of Care Coordination – CareOregon
  • Jim Slater – VP of Pharmacy – CareOregon
  • Leah Goeres – Clinical Pharmacist – CareOregon

Featured content

  • Part 1: Advanced Illness: Payers. Palliative Care and the Safety Net (1/5)
  • Part 2: Advanced Illness: Patient Medication Experiences Shaping their Care Perspective (2/5):
  • Part 3: Advanced Illness: The Nuts and Bolts of Deprescribing (3/5): 
  • Part 4: Advanced Illness: Population Health and Care Management Strategies (4/5):
  • Part 5: Advanced Illness: Panel Q&A (5/5)

Recorded on November 21, 2019 at CareOregon, Portland, OR.



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MEDS Ed is an ongoing education series by CareOregon’s Pharmacy team. It’s geared to clinicians and health care professionals involved in direct patient care at community clinics. Attendees leave with valuable tools and insights that improve how they can contribute to multi-disciplinary teams.

Each three-to-four-hour MEDS Ed session examines a disease state that highly impacts patient quality of life, requires complex management, and may lead to increased emergency department visits and inpatient stays. Speakers include pharmacists and clinicians from the community and from CareOregon staff.

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