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Read more: How to help members apply for HRSN/HRSF housing supports.

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CareOregon works with multiple community partners to help people get health care, housing, employment, education, healthy food and more. Helping just one person or family can make an entire community stronger. It’s something we call the CareOregon Effect.

Please contact us for further information. We welcome your requests for interviews with CareOregon’s experts or our members, for background information or to arrange a guest speaker for your organization. 


Erich Ericson
Vice President, Branding, Marketing and Communications

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid)
  • Medicare
  • Medical homes
  • Lean process improvement in health care settings
  • Human-centered (a.k.a. user-centered) design in health care
  • Member councils and member advocacy efforts
  • Innovative approaches to member well-being
  • Health care policy 

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CareOregon named Top Workplace

Sep 23, 2016, 07:00 AM

September 23, 2016


Survey conducted for The Oregonian

Portland, Ore. — CareOregon, a nonprofit health care organization, has been named one of the Top Workplaces of 2016 by The Oregonian, placing third among large employers (500 or more employees) and earning top honors for work/life flexibility among employers of all sizes. The rankings, which recognize employers in Oregon and Southwest Washington as great places to work, are determined by a survey of employees conducted by Workplace Dynamics, an independent research firm. Presentation of the honor was made September 22.

The comprehensive survey of working conditions was given to employees of hundreds of businesses with at least 35 employees, including for-profit and nonprofit firms, from retailers to manufacturers to hospitals and health plans. Those workplaces whose employees rated them highest were given the recognition. According to The Oregonian, Top Workplaces are not only better places to work but are more likely to be successful than peer organizations.

“We’re very pleased to be considered a top workplace in Oregon,” said Eric C. Hunter, CareOregon chief executive officer. “In order for us to continue to provide great health care services in an environment that is so complex, we need to do more and do it better. We are now more dependent than ever on the creativity, passion and commitment of our workforce to achieve these goals. I would like to thank each of them for helping to make CareOregon the great workplace it is.”

CareOregon provides managed care services to about 250,000 Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) members through its affiliation with four Coordinated Care Organizations, including Health Share of Oregon in the Portland Metro area, and through a Medicare Advantage plan and a dental care plan. It employs more than 600 employees, the majority in the Portland area, with some on the coast and in Jackson County. “It’s a great privilege to be among this group of great companies,” Hunter said. “Our strong relationships with many community partners like these help us all make Oregon a healthier, better place to be.”

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