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Read more: How to help members apply for HRSN/HRSF housing supports.

Media inquiries

Media inquiries

CareOregon works with multiple community partners to help people get health care, housing, employment, education, healthy food and more. Helping just one person or family can make an entire community stronger. It’s something we call the CareOregon Effect.

Please contact us for further information. We welcome your requests for interviews with CareOregon’s experts or our members, for background information or to arrange a guest speaker for your organization. 


Erich Ericson
Vice President, Branding, Marketing and Communications

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid)
  • Medicare
  • Medical homes
  • Lean process improvement in health care settings
  • Human-centered (a.k.a. user-centered) design in health care
  • Member councils and member advocacy efforts
  • Innovative approaches to member well-being
  • Health care policy 

Brand Style Guide

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Health Share reports on first five years

Apr 19, 2017, 07:00 AM

April 19, 2017

Taken from the Portland Business Journal:

By Stephanie Vandehey

Portland, Ore.—Five years ago, Oregon began work aimed at transforming the way health care is delivered to members of the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), Oregon's Medicaid program, by creating coordinated care organizations (CCOs) to manage health care services at the local level to improve health outcomes and reduce cost growth.

In Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties, eleven health care and social services organizations serving OHP members came together to chart a new course for delivering OHP services. The result of that collaboration was Health Share of Oregon, incorporated on April 16, 2012.

Health Share was founded and continues to be governed by eleven health care organizations serving OHP members: Adventist Health, CareOregon, Central City Concern, Clackamas County, Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health, Multnomah County, Oregon Health & Science University, Providence Health & Services, Tuality Health Alliance and Washington County.

Here is Health Share's report of its first five years.

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