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CareOregon works with multiple community partners to help people get health care, housing, employment, education, healthy food and more. Helping just one person or family can make an entire community stronger. It’s something we call the CareOregon Effect.

Please contact us for further information. We welcome your requests for interviews with CareOregon’s experts or our members, for background information or to arrange a guest speaker for your organization. 


Erich Ericson
Vice President, Branding, Marketing and Communications

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid)
  • Medicare
  • Medical homes
  • Lean process improvement in health care settings
  • Human-centered (a.k.a. user-centered) design in health care
  • Member councils and member advocacy efforts
  • Innovative approaches to member well-being
  • Health care policy 

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CareOregon announces the appointment of new board member Kerry Barnett

May 27, 2020, 07:00 AM

Today, CareOregon announced that Kerry Barnett will be joining the company’s Board of Directors, effective May 8 2020.

Mr. Barnett brings over twenty years of experience in health care and public policy. He currently serves as SAIF’s President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Barnett has deep knowledge and expertise in the areas of government affairs, strategic communications, human resources, compliance, legal and ethics.

“We are thrilled to welcome Kerry to our Board of Directors,” said Eric C. Hunter, President and Chief Executive Officer of CareOregon. “As a community-focused, non-profit health plan, we strive to bring together the best and brightest to help inform company decisions. Kerry’s experience as a chief executive coupled with his long career in working through different types of health policy will be an invaluable addition to our board. We are grateful that he is investing his energy, talent and strategic thinking into CareOregon.”

Mr. Barnett has diverse experience in the health care and insurance sectors, including serving in leadership roles at Cambia, ODS Health Plans and Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services. Additionally, he serves on the board of directors for the National Council on Compensation Insurance and was a founding member of the Washington D.C. based Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. 

“I am honored to join the CareOregon Board of Directors,” said Kerry Barnett. “CareOregon’s work to improve the lives of Oregonians throughout our state is inspiring. I am eager to be a part of these conversations about how to further serve their members with innovative and forward thinking solutions.”

Mr. Barnett will be the thirteenth member of the CareOregon board. This is a new position, building on the strength of the organization’s current twelve-member Board of Directors. The board is comprised of leaders that represent a cross section of Oregon’s business, health care and social service sectors—including government and education.

In addition to confirming Kerry Barnett as a new board member, the Board of Directors reelected Glenn Rodriguez, M.D. as Board Chair and Susan Hennessy as Vice Chair.

“I‘m inspired by the leadership and continued investment by our Board of Directors,” said Hunter. “I am grateful to have a diverse array of health care experience on CareOregon’s board as many of our board members have previous experience from established systems such as Providence and Kaiser Permanente. CareOregon’s board also includes community stakeholders and direct service providers. I am proud of the way that this group continues to gather  around the table to work towards for the benefit of the population that we serve. We’re truly working to strengthening our communities by making health care work for everyone.”

More information about CareOregon’s Board of Directors is available here:

For information, contact Elise Burke, 503-416-3736,

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