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CareOregon invests in kids, the future of Oregon

Mar 7, 2018, 08:00 AM

March 07, 2016


PORTLAND, Ore. — CareOregon has invested in the future of Oregon through a grant of $200,000 to Children First for Oregon. Children First is the nonprofit organization that coordinates United for Kids, a movement that translates public concern for kids into meaningful support for public policies that improve the economic security, education, health and well-being of all children in Oregon.

“We are delighted to be working with this important group,” said Martin Taylor, CareOregon Public Policy and Community Relations Director. “United for Kids has identified and helped to build a constituency group for kids, and it has the political will to implement pro-child policies in this state. This is a key investment in Oregon’s future.”

“Investing in United for Kids establishes CareOregon as a leading partner in the children’s movement in Oregon,” said Tonia Hunt, Children First for Oregon Executive Director. “It also reflects CareOregon’s mission of cultivating the health and well-being of communities, by focusing on systemic solutions to address the social determinants of health. Some of those determinants are related to adverse childhood experiences, like homelessness, hunger and drug and alcohol abuse in the home.”

For more information about this CareOregon grant, contact Jeanie Lunsford, 503-416-3626,

About United for Kids
United for Kids leverages the power of advocates across the state to create large-scale, systemic change. United for Kids creates a unified, effective voice for children by bringing proponents together around a shared, prioritized Children’s Agenda. Its goal is to align public policies with the best interests of Oregon’s kids. With more than 70 policy organizations working together, United for Kids had great success in the 2015 state legislative session, helping to pass 38 policies, nearly two-thirds of its Children’s Agenda. Children First for Oregon serves as the backbone organization for the Children’s Agenda, convening and coordinating the children’s advocacy community, while lending strategic support of shared goals.

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