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Read more: How to help members apply for HRSN/HRSF housing supports.

News and press releases

CareOregon part of effort to house 300 vulnerable seniors by end of 2020

Feb 12, 2020, 08:00 AM
Through philanthropic dollars and Medicaid funds, a new Regional Supportive Housing Impact Fund (RSHIF) will be deploying money to help 300 vulnerable seniors in the Portland Metro area find and maintain stable housing. CareOregon, along with several other local health systems, is part of this RSHIF. 

These efforts are all part of Kaiser Permanente's 300 Metro initiative, which is modeled on their successful partnership in Oakland, California, that housed 515 seniors during 2019. They are investing $5.1 million into this initiative.  

Homelessness is an issue that we take seriously. We know that housing, and other social determinants of health are vital to staying healthy.  we are proud to be part of this initiative.

To read the whole story about this project, go to Kaiser Permanente's website.

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