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CareOregon, SOLVE and the Portland Rose Festival team up to clean Portland Waterfront ahead of this year’s Rose City Festival

May 16, 2024, 20:25 PM

For the third year in a row, CareOregon joined forces with SOLVE and the Portland Rose Festival Foundation to clean up downtown Portland ahead of this year’s Rose Festival. More than 60 volunteers worked together to pick up at least 125 lbs. of trash along the waterfront and downtown business district.

"As an organization, we’re deeply invested in our city and are thrilled to once again team up with SOLVE and Portland Rose Festival Foundation to help make downtown Portland shine in advance of the exciting events planned this summer,” said Alison Arella, Vice President of Community Impact at CareOregon. 

“We have a history of working with these incredible partners to build community and bring vibrancy to the city. We recognize the importance of nurturing our downtown community and readying our waterfront for the thousands of festival visitors, particularly this year as CareOregon celebrates our 30th anniversary at the CareOregon Starlight Parade.”  

SOLVE, a statewide nonprofit organization, brings people together to improve our environment and build a legacy of stewardship. Since 1969, the organization has grown from a small, grassroots group to a national model of volunteer action. Today, SOLVE mobilizes and trains volunteers of all ages across Oregon and SW Washington to clean and restore our community. 

The organization continues to host events year-round, including a series of trash pickup events throughout the city's commercial districts in the lead-up to the festival. 

"Once again, witnessing the collaboration between volunteers, downtown businesses and our partners like CareOregon and the Portland Rose Festival Foundation reaffirms the dedication of our community to keeping Portland pristine,” said Kris Carico, Chief Executive Officer of SOLVE.  

“Together, we are not just cleaning up litter, we are preserving the charm and vibrancy of our city for all to enjoy. As we prepare for the annual Rose Festival, this shared effort fills us with pride, knowing that we're creating a welcoming environment for visitors and locals alike." 

The Rose Festival kicks off on Friday, May 24 and the CareOregon Starlight Parade takes place on Saturday, June 1 at 8 p.m. At this year’s parade, CareOregon is spotlighting the incredible work of Trillium Family Services and the Scappoose High School Marching Band. 

“Community is at the core of what we do,” Arella said, “and we are grateful to work with all of these incredible people to celebrate this beautiful city at this year's Rose City festival.”  

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