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Black Parent Initiative - creating stronger black families

Feb 10, 2021, 16:00 PM

It’s a fact that children are more likely to succeed in life when they have a healthy and stable home setting. Black Parent Initiative (BPI) has been working toward improving the lives of Portland’s Black and multi-ethnic children for the past 15 years. By supporting low/moderate income parents, they provide opportunity for Black youth to have a positive environment.

Black History Month 2021 focuses on the Black Family: Representation, Identity, Diversity. BPI focuses on the same. Through their Career Services and programs (Sacred Roots Doula, Together We Can, #YGBNOBLE) BPI transforms Black lives. They help children find their cultural identity. They educate parents and make sure parents and caregivers have what they need to guide their children to success. Basically, they provide the life tools for both parents and children to grow up together, stronger, and with a sense of who they are.

CareOregon believes and invests in community programs like the ones BPI offers. During this pandemic, we know it is crucial to keep life-changing community partners open and operating. Families continue to need support, now even more than ever. Through a COVID-19 response grant in 2020, we were able to financially assist BPI so that they could continue their services to the community. That’s what The CareOregon Effect is all about.   

You can read more about what they do, including more information about their programs, on their website

And be sure to check out their Facebook and Twitter feeds all month long. Each day features a different African American historical figure that has contributed to the improvement of Black lives in America.

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