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Read more: How to help members apply for HRSN/HRSF housing supports.

News and press releases

Message from our CEO: CareOregon launches 2021 Annual Report

Jul 21, 2022, 07:00 AM
On behalf of my team at CareOregon, I am thrilled to share our 2021 Annual Report.

Like so much that we do at CareOregon, our work in 2021 centered on working in partnership with our community to meet their needs and move our region toward a healthier future.

We engaged members about returning to preventive health care services.

We responded to the COVID virus itself, and the challenges so many of us faced: challenges like virtual classrooms, lost jobs, housing, social isolation and deeper inequities. And we strongly supported COVID-19 vaccines, across diverse communities and in our own workplaces.

We invested in our provider networks to ensure that we could meet our member’s needs, now and into the future.

We took steps to improve access to quality interpretation services for our members who are learning English because we know communication is critical to good health care.

And we made unprecedented investments – in both dollars and staff involvement -- partnering with community organizations and others who are building an Oregon that’s stronger and more equitable.

This has been the CareOregon way since 1994, when we were founded in support of the Oregon Health Plan. They are a big part of making health care work for everyone. That’s the CareOregon Effect.

Click here to read the full report.

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